
Pre-Conference NCSBS x NYC OCME Collaboration: Baby Bootcamp for Trauma Investigators

Babies and Toddlers Boot Camp Logo

September 14, 2024 : 9:00A - 12:30P

This symposium will provide invaluable training and information for medical, legal, judicial, and law enforcement professionals on the basics of pediatric trauma investigation.

Attendees of this conference will learn:

  • The fundamentals of medical findings/injuries commonly associated with sudden, unexplained death in babies and toddlers.
  • How the quality of the police investigation impacts the interpretation of the medical findings/injuries in abby and toddler fatality cases
  • Medical, legal and law enforcement investigative approaches through case examples.


P. Leigh Bishop, Esq.
Director, Babies and Toddlers (BaT) Task Force
NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner

Cindy W. Christian, MD
Anthony A. Latini Endowed Chair in the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Detective Michael J. McNelis (Retired)
New York City Police Department Special Victims Division

Vincent J. Palusci, MD, MS, FAAP
Professor of Pediatrics,New York University Grossman School of Medicine

The cost to attend this pre-conference bootcamp is $150 or can be combined as an add-on ticket to the SBS/AHT conference for $125. Register for the bootcamp and conference by clicking this button.

Register Here

Download the Baby Bootcamp for Trauma Investigators Informational Flyer PDF